Friday, March 19, 2010

Abortion is essential to Liberalism

This was taken from a post on Blogs For Victory...

When Liberals Get to Defending Abortion:

To understand the passionate defense of abortion, you need to understand its importance to the ideology of Progressivism.

Progressives change their name a lot, but you can use any of them—Marxism, Socialism, Progressivism, Liberalism—and you still end up with a belief system that has, at its center, the State.

And the State, to gain and retain absolute control (which is crucial to the ideology, as people will not willingly remain in it once it reaches its full powers if there is not absolute control) there can be no division of loyalties. This means the State has to trump both family and religion.

Abortion does both of these things. You cannot believe in God and the rights and wrongs taught by religion and still kill your helpless child. And certainly when you weaken the bond between a mother and her child by teaching her that the child can simply be eliminated from her life if it is inconvenient, you undermine family ties.

Abortion has the result of getting people to accept the idea that human life has no intrinsic value, but that the value of another life can be, under some circumstances, determined by someone else—even for self-serving reasons. When you can convince a population that it is moral and good and acceptable for parents to kill their offspring for any reason whatsoever, you introduce a moral relativity that can be manipulated in many ways. All we have to do to see the escalation of this moral relativity regarding the worth of a human life is to examine the curve of acceptability, regarding when an unborn child could be “morally” disposed of. Within just a decade or two that curve has gone from within the first trimester to the end of the second trimester to up to the moment of birth as long as the child has not taken a breath to a fully formed, autonomous, breathing baby outside the womb. That’s a pretty dramatic decline of what some find morally acceptable, so that now the American people have actually elected as their president a man who defends the “right” of a woman to place her child in a box in a cold room to die, alone and cold and hungry, just because she feels like it.

But this is good for Progressives, because it corrodes the family unit, it creates a distance between people and God, and it places the State at the center of life. The State becomes the arbiter of right and wrong, the definer of good and evil, the declarer of morality, the source of support and sustenance, the family and the church.

Original posted by:

March 15, 2010

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