Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Test Post

This is a test... This is a test... This is a test...

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

The Donkey Whisperer

Finally, a funny and entertaining political ad.

Candidate Roger Williams is shown out in the field talking to a herd of
donkeys, and telling them to lose the "victim" mindset. They won't listen,
even when he threatens to replace them with elephants.

Bring on the elephants!


Thursday, August 4, 2011

Obama Versus Regan

Opening in theaters Friday, October 15, 2010...

Cartoon Obama Punches Out Reagan in I Want Your Money, which contrasts the "two paths" the United States could take -- Obama's approach or Reagan's.

"We need to stand up and start taking a stand, we need to stop the spending."

"The problem with socialism is that sooner or later you run out of other people's money."

One third of his flick is animated to "make it entertaining for a younger audience."

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Don't Be An Obama Mushroom

Don't be an Obama Mushroom... Kept in the dark and periodically fed another load of Obama mushroom fodder by the mainstream media.

Don't be an Obama Mushroom... Watch Fox News!


Sunday, April 4, 2010

Obama's Gift To America's Children

Obama, Pelosi, Reid, and the Liberal Democrat Congress are spending money at a record and unsustainable level -- like a compulsive shopper obsessed with running up their credit card balances beyond what they can possibly afford to pay.

Obama's gift to your children and grandchildren will be the bill, ever higher taxes, inflation, and a lower standard of living as they are forced to deal with and pay for the Democrat's socialism, bailouts, and out-of-control spending, record debt, and skyrocketing deficits!

The really sad fact is those children didn't even have a vote
in the matter
. Talk about "taxation without representation"!

Is this the "change" you "hoped" and voted for... and expected?

An ever increasing majority of Americans are saying NO ! ! !


Friday, March 19, 2010

Abortion is essential to Liberalism

This was taken from a post on Blogs For Victory...

When Liberals Get to Defending Abortion:

To understand the passionate defense of abortion, you need to understand its importance to the ideology of Progressivism.

Progressives change their name a lot, but you can use any of them—Marxism, Socialism, Progressivism, Liberalism—and you still end up with a belief system that has, at its center, the State.

And the State, to gain and retain absolute control (which is crucial to the ideology, as people will not willingly remain in it once it reaches its full powers if there is not absolute control) there can be no division of loyalties. This means the State has to trump both family and religion.

Abortion does both of these things. You cannot believe in God and the rights and wrongs taught by religion and still kill your helpless child. And certainly when you weaken the bond between a mother and her child by teaching her that the child can simply be eliminated from her life if it is inconvenient, you undermine family ties.

Abortion has the result of getting people to accept the idea that human life has no intrinsic value, but that the value of another life can be, under some circumstances, determined by someone else—even for self-serving reasons. When you can convince a population that it is moral and good and acceptable for parents to kill their offspring for any reason whatsoever, you introduce a moral relativity that can be manipulated in many ways. All we have to do to see the escalation of this moral relativity regarding the worth of a human life is to examine the curve of acceptability, regarding when an unborn child could be “morally” disposed of. Within just a decade or two that curve has gone from within the first trimester to the end of the second trimester to up to the moment of birth as long as the child has not taken a breath to a fully formed, autonomous, breathing baby outside the womb. That’s a pretty dramatic decline of what some find morally acceptable, so that now the American people have actually elected as their president a man who defends the “right” of a woman to place her child in a box in a cold room to die, alone and cold and hungry, just because she feels like it.

But this is good for Progressives, because it corrodes the family unit, it creates a distance between people and God, and it places the State at the center of life. The State becomes the arbiter of right and wrong, the definer of good and evil, the declarer of morality, the source of support and sustenance, the family and the church.

Original posted by:

March 15, 2010

The danger to America is its citizenry

The danger to America is not Barack Obama, but a citizenry capable of entrusting a man like him with the presidency. It will be easier to limit and undo the follies of an Obama presidency than to restore the necessary common sense and good judgment to an electorate willing to have such a man for their president. The problem is much deeper and far more serious than Mr. Obama, who is a mere symptom of what ails us. Blaming the prince of the fools should not blind anyone to the vast confederacy of fools that made him their prince. The republic can survive a Barack Obama. It is less likely to survive a multitude of fools such as those who made him their president.

~~~ Author Unknown

Friday, February 19, 2010

Obama, You're Fired!

Americans have looked behind the curtain. They have seen through Obama's smoke, mirrors, and endless talk. They now see Obama for the far left Liberal and Socialist that he really is.

Polls show Americans DO NOT LIKE what they see!

The majority DO NOT APPROVE of Obama's performance.

The majority believe we are headed in the WRONG DIRECTION.

The majority believe Obama DOES NOT DESERVE to be reelected.

Voters will soon be sending Obama a CLEAR MESSAGE.

This is NOT the CHANGE we expected!

This is NOT the CHANGE we wanted!

Obama... YOU'RE FIRED ! ! !

The Voters,

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Obama: The Wrong Direction

Obama: The Wrong Direction...

WRONG  for  America ! ! !

WRONG  for  YOU ! ! !


Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Big Tent Republicans

Republicans do need a "big tent" -- big enough to include all who wish to enter!

We do not, however, need to enlarge our tent by extending it further to the left, compromising our own principles, traditional values, and agenda, and becoming "Liberal-lites" in the hopes of enticing a few Liberals to enter. That strategy did not work with John McCain even as it alienated and turned off much of our base, yet we are now being told to give it another try... by those same self proclaimed "moderate" Republicans, the liberal media, and "helpful" analysts and political experts on the Left!

Republicans and Conservatives must do more to show Moderates and Independents that it's ultimately in their interest and that of America to vote for Republicans rather than the apologizing, anti-American, pro-UN, tax and spend, welfare fixated, Socio-Communist Liberals, and the Democrats who support and enable them!

With only a 5% shift in votes, Obama would not be president, and the Democrats would be the minority party!


Monday, October 26, 2009

The Palin Effect

Not to be out maneuvered by Sarah Palin, and after reading the TEA leaves (and after seeing trends in recent polls)...

RedState reports:

October 26th, 2009

NY-23: Pawlenty Endorses Hoffman

Tim Pawlenty is endorsing Conservative Party nominee Doug Hoffman in the Nov. 3 special election for New York's 23rd District...

"We cannot send more politicians to Washington who wear the Republican jersey on the campaign trail, but then vote like Democrats in Congress on issues like card check and taxes," Pawlenty said in a statement to RedState. "After reviewing the candidates' positions [and seeing all those TEA leaves], I'm endorsing Doug Hoffman in New York's special election...

Hoffman has previously been endorsed by former Alaska governor Sarah Palin ... a poll today showing Hoffman in the lead.

"What makes this stand out even more than the Palin endorsement is that Pawlenty has not been seen as diverging with the Republican establishment," wrote RedState's Erick Erickson. "He's not seen as the maverick that Palin is. But Pawlenty has a huge amount of stature inside the Republican establishment, more so than Palin. That he is now willing to come out in favor of Hoffman is going to resonate among the Republican establishment in ways Palin's endorsement will not."

And they said Palin's political career and influence was over when she resigned as governor!


Tuesday, June 23, 2009

The Ruins Of Detroit

This is a test post from Retired Spook...

Continuing a string of great articles at American Thinker, Matthew May has an interesting piece today entitled Carl Levin and the ruins of Detroit.

I have many fond memories of baseball games at the old Tiger Stadium, both as a boy with my dad as well as annual trips with a business development group back in the 80's.

I knew the Tigers had moved on to a new stadium a decade ago, but, until I read this piece, I had no idea that Tiger Stadium was still standing.

Matthew May tells the story better than I could:

For years the stadium decayed before the city decided to commence demolition last year and the outfield bleachers came tumbling down, providing an open window into the stadium from I-75. Unyielding to the last, the preservationists leaned on the city council (a more foolish and criminal element would be difficult to find, though that is another story) to halt the inevitable. The council ceased demolition provided the stadium-savers generate private money for a sensible purpose. They failed. The stadium would finally be coming down. At last one of the city's eyesores would finally be removed.

But in January, Teleprompter Jesus raised his hand and called for stimulus. Sen. Carl Levin, ensconced in the upper chamber since the Carter administration, became aroused.

In the Senate version of the omnibus spending bill a provision allots $3.8 million for "preservation and redevelopment of a public park and related business activities in the Corktown neighborhood." This earmark was inserted by Sen. Levin aimed directly at saving what is left of Tiger Stadium. When challenged by Sen. Tom Coburn, Sen. Levin actually argued during a Senate session that this money would help bring much-needed jobs to the area. A more laughable statement would be difficult to construct. But the provision remained. Sen. Levin won and the stadium is still standing, harsh against a steel-gray March sky, with no novel coda in sight or even on the table. In the meantime, the median home sale price in Detroit in December was $7,500.

Sen. Levin may well indeed wish to preserve something of Tiger Stadium. He has spoken movingly on its importance in his own life, growing up a Jew in Detroit and watching with pride and awe as Hank Greenberg was lifted up as a hero of the city, so much so that after one important game the Detroit Free Press ran a headline wishing him a happy Jewish new year in Hebrew. Nobody wishes to diminish the personal significance Tiger Stadium holds for Sen. Levin, as it does for countless Detroiters. But he is an influential man, no? Could he not lead or organize a private effort that could raise double the earmarked funds? Or would it not be time to stiffen up a bit and acknowledge that nothing lasts forever?

But no. Sen. Levin's plea on the Senate floor for an earmark to try and preserve a half-demolished relic is perfect, really. It is the perfect summation of the mindset and actions threatening to turn the nation into a giant Detroit. Here is the power-mad, lordly Senator-from-on-high arguing for the necessity of further tax confiscation in a boondoggle spending bill to save a building that was last barely useful at the end of the previous century. The disfigured stadium remains as but the freshest gaping wound on a clinically dead patient. Such an earmark passed through with nary a thought, least of all from the president - the same man who vowed to eliminate such provisions with his exacting scalpel. And there it stands.

Take a good look, fellow citizens. If you like what you see on the corner of Michigan and Trumbull, you will love the landscape of Obama's America.

"Teleprompter Jesus" -- ya gotta love it!

Retired Spook

Sunday, April 5, 2009

The Ruins Of Detroit

(Version 2. Title links to CCF page. Blockquote.)

Continuing a string of great articles at American Thinker, Matthew May has an interesting piece today entitled Carl Levin and the ruins of Detroit.

I have many fond memories of baseball games at the old Tiger Stadium, both as a boy with my dad as well as annual trips with a business development group back in the 80's.

I knew the Tigers had moved on to a new stadium a decade ago, but, until I read this piece, I had no idea that Tiger Stadium was still standing.

Matthew May tells the story better than I could:

For years the stadium decayed before the city decided to commence demolition last year and the outfield bleachers came tumbling down, providing an open window into the stadium from I-75. Unyielding to the last, the preservationists leaned on the city council (a more foolish and criminal element would be difficult to find, though that is another story) to halt the inevitable. The council ceased demolition provided the stadium-savers generate private money for a sensible purpose. They failed. The stadium would finally be coming down. At last one of the city's eyesores would finally be removed.

But in January, Teleprompter Jesus raised his hand and called for stimulus. Sen. Carl Levin, ensconced in the upper chamber since the Carter administration, became aroused.

In the Senate version of the omnibus spending bill a provision allots $3.8 million for "preservation and redevelopment of a public park and related business activities in the Corktown neighborhood." This earmark was inserted by Sen. Levin aimed directly at saving what is left of Tiger Stadium. When challenged by Sen. Tom Coburn, Sen. Levin actually argued during a Senate session that this money would help bring much-needed jobs to the area. A more laughable statement would be difficult to construct. But the provision remained. Sen. Levin won and the stadium is still standing, harsh against a steel-gray March sky, with no novel coda in sight or even on the table. In the meantime, the median home sale price in Detroit in December was $7,500.

Sen. Levin may well indeed wish to preserve something of Tiger Stadium. He has spoken movingly on its importance in his own life, growing up a Jew in Detroit and watching with pride and awe as Hank Greenberg was lifted up as a hero of the city, so much so that after one important game the Detroit Free Press ran a headline wishing him a happy Jewish new year in Hebrew. Nobody wishes to diminish the personal significance Tiger Stadium holds for Sen. Levin, as it does for countless Detroiters. But he is an influential man, no? Could he not lead or organize a private effort that could raise double the earmarked funds? Or would it not be time to stiffen up a bit and acknowledge that nothing lasts forever?

But no. Sen. Levin's plea on the Senate floor for an earmark to try and preserve a half-demolished relic is perfect, really. It is the perfect summation of the mindset and actions threatening to turn the nation into a giant Detroit. Here is the power-mad, lordly Senator-from-on-high arguing for the necessity of further tax confiscation in a boondoggle spending bill to save a building that was last barely useful at the end of the previous century. The disfigured stadium remains as but the freshest gaping wound on a clinically dead patient. Such an earmark passed through with nary a thought, least of all from the president - the same man who vowed to eliminate such provisions with his exacting scalpel. And there it stands.

Take a good look, fellow citizens. If you like what you see on the corner of Michigan and Trumbull, you will love the landscape of Obama's America.

"Teleprompter Jesus" -- ya gotta love it!

Retired Spook

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Ruin Of Detroit

(Version 1. Title links to original AT article. No blockquote.)

Continuing a string of great articles at American Thinker, Matthew May has an interesting piece today entitled Carl Levin and the ruins of Detroit.

I have many fond memories of baseball games at the old Tiger Stadium, both as a boy with my dad as well as annual trips with a business development group back in the 80's.

I knew the Tigers had moved on to a new stadium a decade ago, but, until I read this piece, I had no idea that Tiger Stadium was still standing.

Matthew May tells the story better than I could:

For years the stadium decayed before the city decided to commence demolition last year and the outfield bleachers came tumbling down, providing an open window into the stadium from I-75. Unyielding to the last, the preservationists leaned on the city council (a more foolish and criminal element would be difficult to find, though that is another story) to halt the inevitable. The council ceased demolition provided the stadium-savers generate private money for a sensible purpose. They failed. The stadium would finally be coming down. At last one of the city's eyesores would finally be removed.

But in January, Teleprompter Jesus raised his hand and called for stimulus. Sen. Carl Levin, ensconced in the upper chamber since the Carter administration, became aroused.

In the Senate version of the omnibus spending bill a provision allots $3.8 million for "preservation and redevelopment of a public park and related business activities in the Corktown neighborhood." This earmark was inserted by Sen. Levin aimed directly at saving what is left of Tiger Stadium. When challenged by Sen. Tom Coburn, Sen. Levin actually argued during a Senate session that this money would help bring much-needed jobs to the area. A more laughable statement would be difficult to construct. But the provision remained. Sen. Levin won and the stadium is still standing, harsh against a steel-gray March sky, with no novel coda in sight or even on the table. In the meantime, the median home sale price in Detroit in December was $7,500.

Sen. Levin may well indeed wish to preserve something of Tiger Stadium. He has spoken movingly on its importance in his own life, growing up a Jew in Detroit and watching with pride and awe as Hank Greenberg was lifted up as a hero of the city, so much so that after one important game the Detroit Free Press ran a headline wishing him a happy Jewish new year in Hebrew. Nobody wishes to diminish the personal significance Tiger Stadium holds for Sen. Levin, as it does for countless Detroiters. But he is an influential man, no? Could he not lead or organize a private effort that could raise double the earmarked funds? Or would it not be time to stiffen up a bit and acknowledge that nothing lasts forever?

But no. Sen. Levin's plea on the Senate floor for an earmark to try and preserve a half-demolished relic is perfect, really. It is the perfect summation of the mindset and actions threatening to turn the nation into a giant Detroit. Here is the power-mad, lordly Senator-from-on-high arguing for the necessity of further tax confiscation in a boondoggle spending bill to save a building that was last barely useful at the end of the previous century. The disfigured stadium remains as but the freshest gaping wound on a clinically dead patient. Such an earmark passed through with nary a thought, least of all from the president - the same man who vowed to eliminate such provisions with his exacting scalpel. And there it stands.

Take a good look, fellow citizens. If you like what you see on the corner of Michigan and Trumbull, you will love the landscape of Obama's America

"Teleprompter Jesus" -- ya gotta love it!

Retired Spook

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Testing Obama... It could get us killed!

Cuba, Venezuela may host Russian bombers!

Associated Press, March 14, 2009...

MOSCOW - A Russian Air Force chief said Saturday that Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez has offered an island as a temporary base for strategic Russian bombers, the Interfax news agency reported.

The chief of staff of Russia's long range aviation, Maj. Gen. Anatoly Zhikharev, also said Cuba could be used to base the aircraft, Interfax reported.

Zhikharev said Chavez had offered "a whole island with an airdrome, which we can use as a temporary base for strategic bombers," the agency reported. "If there is a corresponding political decision, then the use of the island ... by the Russian Air Force is possible."

As Vice-President Biden predicted during the campaign:

"Mark my words. It will not be six months before the world tests Barack Obama ... Remember I said it standing here if you don't remember anything else I said. Watch, we're gonna have an international crisis, a generated crisis, to test the mettle of this guy. ... I promise you it will occur. ... I guarantee you it's gonna happen.'s not gonna be apparent that we're right. ...They may emanate from Russia..."

Our enemies know Liberals like Obama are weak and soft on defense.

Our enemies know Obama and his Liberal Democrat members in Congress would rather waste time appeasing our enemies and talking nice to them than make the hard decisions, and take the real and necessary actions to protect the United States, and you, and your family.

As Vice-President Biden said...

It's just a matter of time! ! !


Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Obama's multi-trillion dollar giveaway...

Does anyone know what the equivalent cost of Obama's multi-trillion dollar giveaway will be to each taxpayer or each family?

Putting it differently, how much would each person or family receive if all that money were distributed directly to the people? ...Allowing the people to pour the stimulus money directly into the economy.

I've heard figures all over the spectrum, from $10,000 to $25,000 to $35,000 to as much as $250,000, depending on whether it's per individual or per family, and whether it includes only taxpayers who actually pay taxes or everyone (in the name of fairness!).



Cost So Far of Financial Bailout...

The New York Times did some taxpayer-bailout number crunching and found that through March 2, the government has made commitments of $9 trillion (that's $9,000,000,000,000) to support the struggling financial system, and actually so far spent $2.1 trillion (that's $2,100,000,000,000), on investments (purchases of assets), loans and insurance or guarantees.

...FOX Business’ Team Washington finds that the U.S. has spent $18,584 per household to shore up the financial system, and has committed a total of $79,646 per household. (What else would your share of the bailout buy?) ... We're sure the average belly-upped subprime borrower had all intentions of repaying his or her loan, too.

In addition to this spending to cure what ails the finance sector, the U.S. is planning to spend $6,965 per household to stimulate the economy.

What Can $79,646 Buy?

3 years of tuition and fees at the average private college, according to the College Board: $75,429

A Mercedes CLS550 Coupe:$70,700

A 995 sq. ft. 2-bedroom, 2-bathroom home in Cleveland, OH:$78,900

A used 2004 Kolb Sport 600 float plane:$75,000

1 share of Berkshire Hathaway:$73,221

1,680 barrels of oil:$79,077

6 (six) 2009 Chevy Aveo sedans:$75,750


Sunday, March 8, 2009

Let's try this again...

Not to beat that proverbial dead horse, but...

When I say the Right must establish the equivalent of MoveOn.Org and KOS, must analyze and understand their tactics, and must use many of those same tactics and techniques, that's but one of many approaches, actions, and tactics the Right must employ -- not the only one, and not necessarily one the GOP or the majority of Conservatives should use.

At this time, it would be counterproductive (and probably a disaster) for the GOP to use those tactics directly against Obama, or even encourage and condone them. In view of Obama's "current" popularity and near cult status, Liberals and Democrats would most certainly, and very effectively, redirect those attacks back on the GOP. Any such effort must be independent of the GOP, just as MoveOn.Org and KOS worked largely outside of, or at best, on the far left fringe of the Democrat Party... until their views and agenda became more accepted by a growing majority.

"RightOn.Org" can take the heat and hatred that will be directed against them, as long as they can dissociate their effort and actions from Republicans and the GOP. The GOP can't take the attacks without losing support and more voters.

On a tangent, that's why I think Steele may have been correct in distancing the GOP from Limbaugh -- at this time; why I think Steele may have been wrong in "apologizing" for his statements -- at this time; and and why I think Rush should distance himself more from the GOP -- at this time. Behind the scenes, however, Rush and Steele should still be friends and allies, but recognize reality and the current political environment.

(I'm not totally sure, however, that my views on Rush and Steele are correct. I might change my mind after a more thorough analysis and discussion on the issue.)

Now, forget about "RightOn.Org"...

There are many things Republicans and Conservatives can do, and tactics they can use without creating the problems associated with a "RightOn.Org".

When I talk about needing "experts in marketing and propaganda" (and effective writers) and sending out a series of short and concise e-mails, that doesn't mean I think, or that I'm suggesting, Republicans and Conservatives should start the type of e-mail campaign a RightOn.Org might conduct.

Now, carving the elephant into bite sized pieces (no pun intended)...

Does anyone think a concerted e-mail campaign could be used effectively by Conservatives and the GOP?

If so, how might it be done?

By whom?

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Practice Commenting...

Use this post to try out and practice using the comment option. I'll delete them later.

I've temporarily reset the permissions to allow anyone to post comments on this topic, including anonymous posters.

I've included a few comments about entering comments under the first comment to this topic.

(Yep, I intentionally used "comment" all those times. Just having some fun.)

Any comments?


Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Operation C.A.O.S.

Operation C.A.O.S. -- Citizens Against Obama Socialism

Other possibilities: --

     Coalition Against Obama Socialism
     Conservatives Against Obama Socialism

C.A.A.O.S -- Coalition of Americans Against Obama Socialism


Friday, February 20, 2009

The Obama Magic Act... Fooling The American People

Obama now needs even more help to fool and manipulate the American people! As reported in The American Spectator, Obama's handlers want to install an inconspicuous teleprompter or computer screen in his podium so his staff of "media managers" and propagandists can surreptitiously feed him information on what to say and who to call on during news conferences.

"...some inside the White House don't think that President Barack Obama hit a home run with his first national press conference... It looked scripted beyond the scripted part ... this one was pretty ham-handed."

...the White House is looking to install a small video or computer screen into the podium ... [to] make it easier for the comms guys to pass along information without being obvious about it" ... The screen would indicate whom to call on, seat placement for journalists, pass along notes or points to hit, and so forth

...Using a screen is nothing new for Obama; almost nothing he said in supposedly unscripted townhall events during the presidential campaign was unscripted, down to many of the questions and the answers to those questions. ... not only his opening remarks, but also statistics and information he could use to answer questions.

Obama had a teleprompter set up for his remarks last week ...but the White House couldn't use the teleprompter for anything but the remarks, because the journalists were so close to the screens. ...

The screen must be small and out of public view so the American people (and the world) can't actually see how they are being manipulated by Obama as he reads from a carefully crafted and prepared speech, and how his "knowledge of the subject" is actually being fed to him by a staff of researchers.

We've already seen that Obama isn't too smart when he's speaking from his own knowledge and not reading from script. He continually sticks his foot in his mouth making dumb (but otherwise truthful) statements like "redistributing the wealth", or claiming to have visited "57 states" (with one more to go).

It's not that Obama is "being taken out of context", it's that when he's not following his pre-written prepared speech, he frequently slips and tells the truth... allowing the American people to see what he really means, and what he really intends to do to them and America.

Obama, don't continue to mislead and try to hide your obvious lack of knowledge. When you don't know the subject or the answers, fill in the time with some jokes; check with someone who actually does know the subject; and get back later with an answer!

Obama's news conferences can now be called the Obama Magic Act... just like a slight-of-hand magician, or a fake and deceptive "mind reader" performing before an audience, and being fed information through a concealed earpiece!


Thursday, February 19, 2009